La siguiente herramienta analiza la información que se puede encontrar en su 'User Agent' para informar sobre la versión y características del navegador que está empleando para visualizar esta página. También evalua las capacidades, características de renderizado y parámetros de uso que admite su versión.
Si lo desea, puede analizar otro user agent usando el siguiente formulario (en pruebas).
Característica | Detectado |
Dirección IP externa: | |
Hostname IP externa: | |
Localización geográfica: | Cambridge, ma, United states (us) |
Puerto de conexión: | 45628 |
Protocolo de conexión: | HTTP/1.1 |
Resolución de pantalla: | HTTP/1.1 |
Tamaño de pantalla: |
Característica | Detectado |
User Agent: | CCBot/2.0 ( |
UA Hash: | 506a3e1ea419768f760541e2b7eaa9e4 |
Browser/OS: | |
Device: | Spider |
Accept Language | en-US,en;q=0.5 () |
Accept Encoding | br,gzip |
Is Mobile Device? | ✖ |
Is Tablet? | ✖ |
Is Computer? | ✖ |
Is Spider? | ✔ |
Plugin | Versión |
Plugin | Descripción | Archivo responsable |
Características CSS3 | Navegador | Detectado |
backgroundsize: | ✖ | |
bgrepeatround: | ✖ | |
bgrepeatspace: | ✖ | |
bgsizecover: | ✖ | |
borderimage: | ✖ | |
borderradius: | ✖ | |
boxshadow: | ✖ | |
boxsizing: | ✖ | |
cssanimations: | ✖ | |
csscolumns: | ✖ | |
cssgradients: | ✖ | |
cssreflections: | ✖ | |
cssremunit: | ✖ | |
cssresize: | ✖ | |
cssscrollbar: | ✖ | |
csstransforms: | ✖ | |
csstransforms3d: | ✖ | |
csstransitions: | ✖ | |
cubicbezierrange: | ✖ | |
flexbox: | ✖ | |
fontface: | ✖ | |
generatedcontent: | ✖ | |
hsla: | ✖ | |
multiplebgs: | ✖ | |
opacity: | ✖ | |
overflowscrolling: | ✖ | |
rgba: | ✖ | |
textshadow: | ✖ |
Características varias | Navegador | Detectado |
battery: | ✖ | |
cookies: | ✖ | |
eventsource: | ✖ | |
gamepad: | ✖ | |
ie8compat: | ✖ | |
json: | ✖ | |
lowbandwidth: | ✖ | |
lowbattery: | ✖ | |
nocookies: | ✖ | |
touch: | ✖ | |
unicode: | ✖ | |
webgl: | ✖ |
Browser Class via Media Queries | Navegador | Detectado |
desktop: | ✖ | |
mediaqueries: | ✖ | |
mobile: | ✖ | |
tablet: | ✖ |
Detector Extended Test Features | Navegador | Detectado |
extendedVersion: | N/A | 1.0 |
Detector Per Session Test Features | Navegador | Detectado |
Detector wasn't able to capture these features because they rely on a cookie that was set after the PHP script ran. |
Detector Per Request Test Features | Navegador | Detectado |
Detector wasn't able to capture these features because they rely on a cookie that was set after the PHP script ran. |
Características HTML5 | Navegador | Detectado |
adownload: | ✖ | |
applicationcache: | ✖ | |
audio->m4a: | ✖ | |
audio->mp3: | ✖ | |
audio->ogg: | ✖ | |
audio->wav: | ✖ | |
audiodata: | ✖ | |
canvas: | ✖ | |
canvastext: | ✖ | |
contenteditable: | ✖ | |
createelement-attrs: | ✖ | |
dataview: | ✖ | |
dataworkers: | ✖ | |
devicemotion: | ✖ | |
deviceorientation: | ✖ | |
draganddrop: | ✖ | |
filereader: | ✖ | |
filesystem: | ✖ | |
formvalidation: | ✖ | |
fullscreen: | ✖ | |
geolocation: | ✖ | |
hashchange: | ✖ | |
history: | ✖ | |
indexeddb: | ✖ | |
input->autocomplete: | ✖ | |
input->autofocus: | ✖ | |
input->list: | ✖ | |
input->max: | ✖ | |
input->min: | ✖ | |
input->multiple: | ✖ | |
input->pattern: | ✖ | |
input->placeholder: | ✖ | |
input->required: | ✖ | |
input->step: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->color: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->date: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->datetime: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->datetime-local: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->email: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->month: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->number: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->range: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->search: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->tel: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->time: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->url: | ✖ | |
inputtypes->week: | ✖ | |
localstorage: | ✖ | |
meter: | ✖ | |
microdata: | ✖ | |
notification: | ✖ | |
performance: | ✖ | |
postmessage: | ✖ | |
progressbar: | ✖ | |
quotamanagement: | ✖ | |
scriptasync: | ✖ | |
scriptdefer: | ✖ | |
sessionstorage: | ✖ | |
sharedworkers: | ✖ | |
speechinput: | ✖ | |
time: | ✖ | |
userselect: | ✖ | |
video->h264: | ✖ | |
video->ogg: | ✖ | |
video->webm: | ✖ | |
webaudio: | ✖ | |
webintents: | ✖ | |
websockets: | ✖ | |
websocketsbinary: | ✖ | |
websqldatabase: | ✖ | |
webworkers: | ✖ |